2022 Greater Cincinnati Business Hall of Fame Sponsorships
Become a Sponsor!
Presenting Sponsorship Package - $25,000
CEO will serve as Honorary Chairman of the event
Back cover ad in the event program (500 Guests)
Recognized as the Presenting Sponsor in the following materials:
All comprehensive marketing materials, press releases, and publications
All invitations, digital or paper
The JA Hall of Fame event webpage
Recognized by the MC from the podium at the opening and closing of the program (500 guests)
Brand mark displayed on the video projection screens during program breaks throughout the event.
Identified as the Presenting Sponsor during all calls to Laureates, their supporting businesses and representatives
Individually recognized and thanked on social media
Will receive two tables of eight the evening of the event
Invited to participate in any media events
Preferred Seating
Dinner and Video Sponsorship Packages - $20,000
Full Page ad in the event program (500 Guests)
Recognized as the Host Sponsor in the following materials:
All comprehensive marketing materials, press releases, and publications
The JA Hall of Fame event webpage
Video projection screens during breaks in the event program
Thanked from the podium by the MC before and after the meal is served (500 guests)
Recognized on the video projection screens along with company logo during breaks in program
Individually recognized and thanked on social media
Will receive one table of eight the evening of the event
Preferred Seating
Reception Sponsorship Packages - $15,000
Full Page ad in the event program (500 Guests)
Recognized as the Reception Sponsor in the following materials:
All comprehensive marketing materials, press releases, and publications
The JA Hall of Fame event webpage
Video projection screens during breaks in the event program
Individually recognized and thanked on social media
Will receive one table of eight the evening of the event
Preferred Seating
Platinum Sponsorship Packages - $10,000
Full Page ad in the event program (500 Guests)
Recognized with other Platinum Sponsor in the following materials:
The JA Hall of Fame event webpage
The video projection screens during breaks in the program
Social media
Will receive one table of eight the evening of the event
Preferred Seating
$6,000 Gold Sponsor
Reserved table of 8
Half page ad in the Event Program
Logo/name displayed with other Gold Sponsors on video projection screens
$4,000 Silver Sponsor
Reserved table of 8
Quarter page ad in the Event Program
Logo/name displayed with other Silver Sponsors on video projection screens
$2,750 Table Sponsor table of 8
Individual Tickets$350/seat
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, call Jeff Taylor at 513.346.7100 ext. 115.